Wednesday, October 28, 2015

[CIFF 2015] THE UCFS AWARDS: 'Best Gut-Punch Moment', SEA FOG.

CIFF 2015 (Calgary International Film Festival).
THE UCFS(University of Calgary Film Society) AWARDS.
Best Gut-Punch Moment: SEA FOG/HAEMOO
"Full disclosure, I didn’t actually see Sea Fog during the festival, but rather, I previewed it as one of my assigned films in the summer. However, the gut-punch moment in that film has stuck with me so long that I really just needed to make sure the film was mentioned. Of course, because of the nature of gut-punches, it’s probably best to not describe it, but trust me when I say that, you’ll know what it is if you watch Shim Sung-bo’s taut thriller about a hard-pressed crew of fishermen taking on a morally dubious and dangerous cargo run."

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