Friday, December 18, 2015

Taeck-Gyu Kim Instagram Update: Recording sound for ‘Lucid Dream’

[PHOTO] @ Studio K
[스튜디오K] – ADR * 녹음하다 쇼파 뒤 벽을 보니 네모난 격자에 그동안 이곳에서 작업하다 간 작품의 감독,배우,스텝들의 흔적이 남아있었다.
우리 “루시드드림”도
기념으로 감독님(오)과 내가(왼) 남긴 흔적.
[Studio K] – ADR * I am recording. There remained traces of the project’s director, actors, staff members, which are in the square grids I see on the wall behind the sofa and where I am working here in the meantime.
Of our “Lucid Dream” too
Traces left by the director(right) and me(left) as mementos.

Translated by: rilanna of JYJ3

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