Sunday, August 16, 2015

[WEIBO] 150813 Park Yuchun Weibo Update: Condolences in Tianjin victims

[Update] 천진 사고소식 들었어요, 희생자분들에게 위로의 말씀 전해드립니다. 이번 사고로 인해 여러분과 함께하는 일정 조절하게 된점 이해 부탁드릴게요. 다시한번 희생자 분들의 빠른 쾌유를 바라며 전 빠른 시일내에 여러분들과 만나볼수 있도록 준비할게요.
[Chinese Translation]
[English TRANS]
I heard about the news of the accident in Tianjin. I would like to convey my condolences to the victims. I would like to ask for understanding on the point that the schedule to be with everyone got adjusted due to the accident at this time. Once again, I hope/wish for the victims to have a speedy recovery, and I will be preparing to be able to meet everyone as soon as possible.

Park Yuchun's Weibo interview will be on August 20 from 15:00 to 16:00 (3~4 pm) CST
Sources: 朴有天_Official
Eng Translations by: rilanna of JYJ3
Luv's note: #PrayForTianjin u___u

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