Saturday, June 18, 2016

C-JeS released official statement after a new accusations arise against Yuchun

We are sorry in getting involved in the case that’s causing social, big wavelengths and sincerely apologize.
C-JeS Entertainment is refraining from a response in the meantime in connection with the various articles about Park Yuchun who is getting reported on recently.
This is because we thought of the procedure in which to respond properly and legally after the results of the police investigation comes out, than responding to what is mentioned about the charges we know nothing of in relations to the truth.
However we think this is nonsense that we are watching the various indiscriminate accusations be connected with Park Yuchun and have to make a response while waiting for the results of the police’s investigation.
By priority, we plan to file a complaint to the Gangnam Police on the extortion and calumny on Monday about the matter of the primary accusations that have been identified in relations to the faintest truth.
Also even about the charges after the secondary accusations, we plan to respond strongly to the false charges as it has been identified in relations to the truth.
We plan to actively cooperate in the police investigation to confirm Park Yuchun’s chivalry and recover his reputation.
Source: Xports News
Translated by: rilanna of JYJ3

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