Friday, January 15, 2016

'Low Down Under' Asian Cinema Line-up – January: Available on DVD and Blu-ray now - HAEMOO

The vast proliferation of streaming services available to Australians has opened the floodgates for original programming, diverse genres and near-infinite entertainment. However, aside from the mammoth Bollywood scene, Asian cinema as a whole goes largely unreported.
We have put together an effective list of Asian films that we would recommend and that are available right now to the eager consumer, whether it be in cinema, available in-store or streaming. Our goal is simply awareness, as the number of cutting-edge Asian productions only increases, and yet the best ones are not even marketed in English. Without further ado, the list!
Available on DVD and Blu-ray now:
Haemoo (Korea, dir. Sung-bo Shim) – Madman Entertainment

Haemoo follows a rag-tag crew of fishermen who take on a dangerous job to relocate illegal refugees from the China strait back to South Korea. Although they face nautical challenges and personality conflicts on the way, the tone remains somewhat light hearted. However unfathomable tragedy strikes, driving all affected to the brink of madness as the film ponders the wild unpredictability of human nature. This film shocked me to the core and the less read about it the better.

Full Article: The Low Down Under

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